
"Constructions éphémères sans ombre ni lumière,
intangibles, inodores et transparentes,
un monde de pierres, de métaux synthétiques que je hante.

Tour à tour sculpteur et architecte de l'éther,
j'édifie ces monuments étranges, rare
équilibre des matériaux issus de l'âme.

J'aime être inondé de leur splendides lumières,
plonger dans l'océan de textures multiples
de leurs fondations, nef et structures centuples.

Intemporelles, elles survivent à la matière,
bien qu'étant temporelles par essence. Le Temps,
pierre angulaire, est leur dominateur latent.

Ces messagères parfois apocalyptiques
sont faites de résonances tantôt tristes
tantôt euphoriques générées par l'artiste.

Mais maudits ceux qui croient que ces métalythiques
échafaudages d'un esprit mortel naquîrent.
Car seul le souffle de l'Immortel nous inspire."

) artist description

The concept of sonyc-byo-hazard was founded in 1995 during Giacomo's studies at the Berklee College of Music in Boston.

for sound, harmonies, melodies and textures : these fascinating structured movements of the air.

for life and all its beauties, love being the most essential and delicious one.

for all of the unexpected things that happen and seem to be part of a great plan.

sonyc-byo-hazard wants to be the expression of these essential elements that make life great to live.

)) guest artists

Vincent Bourgeyx, piano, on "TechnoJazz" and "Noctambule". Moïra Conrath, voice, on "The Dark Moon". Keesha Fleth, voice, on "It's been a long time no see". Gwenaël Lafitte, guitar, on "The Fruit of our Passions" and "Flocky & Petzi". Karin Lugmair, voice, on "Afraid" and "Stay with me tonight", "Badai" and, harp, on "Celtic Austria". Lucia Biondi Morra, voice, "J'aime bien toi". Leonardo Biondi Morra, voice, "Badai", "Wavecatcher" and "Flocky & Petzi". Lee Hutchinson, guitar on "Badai". Njara Zafimehy, voice on "We can make it" and "Tonight". Juliette de Patoul, graphic design, "Debut" album. Philippe Clavier, graphic design, "A Return to Ethernity" album. Lucia Biondi Morra, cover concept on "Living the dream". Glenn Mueller, remastering, "A Return to Ethernity" album. Luigi Lusini, mixing and mastering, "Living the dream" album.

Giacomo Biondi Morra, sound design, composition, lyrics, programming, production, mixing and mastering.